WP1: Project management and coordination


The broad objective of this work package is to assure the success of the project through co–coordinating the activities and maintaining an efficient and pro–active relation with the Partners and the EC services. In particular this work package intends to achieve the highest standards of quality of deliverables, within the necessary time frame and budget constraints. The responsibilities of the project management team includes: overall responsibility for ensuring the accurate fulfilment of the goals of the project, within time and budget constrains; project planning and scheduling; responsibility for internal and external reporting and documentation; organization of a kick–off and the necessary regular meetings for the project; financial management and liaison with the Commission. The project management team will also ensure that the project team members comply with the timely delivery of results; that the quality of work executed is to the standards of the Commission; and provide input for internal and external reporting and documentation. The coordination task will include relations with all Partners and coordination of the dissemination task force. To meet these objectives, the work package is divided into the following aims:

  • administrative management;
  • project coordination.

Task 1.1 Administrative management (SSSA, All Partners)
Task 1.2 Project coordination (SSSA, All Partners)

SSSA will be the WP leader