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> Meeting of the VIMPA consortium at the Polo Sant'Anna Valdera
March 22, 2006

From left to right:
Mr. Filippo Lopez, Dr. Cesare Stefanini, Prof. Per Tunestål, Mr. Vittorio Manente, Mr. Michael Schiffer, Mr. Yann Ravier, Prof. Ernst Obermeier

> Meeting of the VIMPA consortium at the Technical University of Berlin
November 24, 2005

From left to right:
Prof. Per Tunestål, Mr. Michael Schiffer, Mr. Vittorio Manente, Mr. Yann Ravier,
Dr. Cesare Stefanini, Profs. Ernst Obermeier, Paolo Dario and Bengt Johansson

> Seminar by VIMPA expert at Piaggio motor company
July 12, 2005

Prof. Per Tunestål, from Lund University, on the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) technology for engines. The seminar is intended to provide R&D people at Piaggio with innovative approaches for high power, low consumption and low emissions engines. The talk reports also on the experimental activity done by Prof. Tunestål in the field of HCCI applied to small engines, with measurements done by using advanced laser technology.
  Project funded by the European Commission under the NEST (New and Emerging Science and
  Technology) activity of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), contract No. 511889