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List of Publications

• Serio, S. M., Assaf, T., Cecchi, F., Laschi, C., & Dario, P. (2012, June). A novel wireless toy for measuring infants' bimanual actions. In Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on (pp. 1869-1873). IEEE.
• Serio S.M., Cecchi F. Member, IEEE, Assaf T., Laschi C. Member, IEEE, Dario P. Fellow, IEEE, “Design and development of a sensorized wireless toy for measuring infants’ manual actions”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Neural systems and rehabilitation Engineering, 2013 May;21(3):444-53
• M. Donati, N. Vitiello, S. M. M. De Rossi, T. Lenzi, S. Crea, A. Persichetti, F. Giovacchini, B. Koopman, J. Podobnik, M. Munih, M. C. Carrozza. "A flexible sensor technology for the distributed measure of interaction pressure", Sensors, 2013, 13(1), 1021–45, doi:10.3390/s130101021.
• A. Pratesi, F.Cecchi, S.M.Serio, I.Barbieri, C.Laschi, P.Dario, “A new platform for measuring infants’ visual capabilities”, 17th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013), Lund (Sweden) 2013.
• G Passetti, M. A. Iaconis, F. Cecchi, C. Laschi, P. Dario, “A new sensing device for a bimanual rehabilitative exercise” European Academy of Childhood Disability conference, Newcastle (UK) 2013
• Donati, M., Cecchi, F., Bonaccorso, F., Branciforte, M., Dario, P., & Vitiello, N. (2013). A modular sensorized mat for monitoring infant posture. Sensors, 14(1), 510-531.
• M. Donati, F. Cecchi, F. Bonaccorso, M. Branciforte, P. Dario, and N. Vitiello, A sensorized mat for monitoring pressure distribution, GNB congress (GNB 2014), June 25-27 2014, Pavia, Italy.
• G. Passetti, F. Cecchi, A. Pratesi, F.P. Falotico, I. Mannari, C. Laschi and P. Dario A mechatronic baby gym for promoting infants’ motor development. GNB congress (GNB 2014), June 25-27 2014, Pavia, Italy.
• G. Passetti, F. Cecchi, A. Pratesi, F.P. Falotico, I. Mannari, C. Laschi and P. Dario (2014, October). A novel mechatronic baby gym for promoting infants motor development. Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2014), October 23-24 2014, Pontedera, Italy.
• J. Pašič, M. Mihelj, M. Munih “Združevanje multisenzornih informacij za klasifikacijo gibanja pri dojenčkih (Multi-sensory fusion for movement classification in newborns).” Proceedings of the twenty-first International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2012, 2012, Volume B, p.p. 185-188
• A. Rihar, M. Mihelj, J.F. Tasič, M. Munih "Zaznavanje delov telesa na podlagi kožne barve iz video posnetkov otrok (Skin detection in video recordings of infants)." Proceedings of the twenty-second International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2013, 2013, Volume B, p.p. 107-110
• A. Rihar, M. Mihelj, J. Kolar, J. Pašič, M. Munih "Sensory data fusion of pressure mattress and wireless inertial magnetic measurement units." Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Feb. 2015, Volume 53, No. 2, p.p. 123 - 135
• A. Rihar, M. Mihelj, J.F. Tasič, M. Munih "Razpoznava delov telesa na podlagi kožne barve ob raznobarvnem ozadju iz video posnetkov dojenčkov (Body parts detection using skin colour recognition in video recordings of infants)." Elektrotehniški vestnik (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), 2014, Volume 81, No. 5, p.p. 229-236
• A. Rihar, M. Mihelj, J. Pašič, J. Kolar, M. Munih “Infant trunk posture and arm movement assessment using pressure mattress, inertial and magnetic measurement units (IMUs)” Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 2014, Volume 11, No. 133, p.p. 1-14.
• Cioni, G., & Sgandurra, G. (2012). Normal psychomotor development. Handbook of clinical neurology, 111, 3-15.
• Sgandurra, G., Bartalena, L., Cioni, G., Greisen, G., Herskind, A., Inguaggiato, E., ... & Sicola, E. (2014). Home-based, early intervention with mechatronic toys for preterm infants at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders (CARETOY): a RCT protocol. BMC pediatrics, 14(1), 268.
• E. Inguaggiato et al, “Il progetto CareToy per l’intervento precoce nel bambino nato pretermine: risultati preliminari sull’interazione madre-bambino (CareToy project for early intervention in infants born preterm: preliminary findings on parent-infant interaction)” accepted in Giornale di Neuropsichiatria dell’Età Evolutiva 2015;35:1
• Herskind, A., Greisen, G., & Nielsen, J. B. (2015). Early identification and intervention in cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 57(1), 29-36.
• Richter, E., Mici, L., Hendrich, N., & Zhang, J. (2014). Design of Therapeutic Training Sequences for Infants Using a Visual Approach. In Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (pp. 145-154). Springer International Publishing.

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